Moodle 2 Administration - Book Review

This Thursday November 24th marks the first anniversary of the release of Moodle 2. This is a major milestone in the development of the world's favourite Virtual Learning Environment. Not many production sites have yet moved to Moodle 2, at the moment it's probably best to use on new installations only.
I've been running a Moodle 2 installation since September of this year and while it took me some time to get used to I'm now quite comfortable with it. The first major change that one notices are in the areas of site navigation, administration and file handling. I'll go through these in a later post. The changes are improvements by and large and I particularly like the built in content licensing options and the ability to integrate fully with Google Apps.

I dont yet feel quite competent enough to embark on a full Moodle 2 review, but I've been asked to review Pakt Publishing's soon to be released "Moodle 2 Administration" Book. Pakt Publishing have been publishing excellent books for a number of years, often focusing on Open Source Software - I'd particularly recommend "Moodle 2 for Business" by Gavin Henrick, Joanne & Jason Cole. I've just recieved my copy of "Moodle 2 Administration" and will be reviewing it within the next fortnight. This will be a great opportunity for me to really "get my hands dirty" with Moodle 2. To date I've been using a vanilla 2.0.2 installation with very few tweaks. I'm looking forward to learning enough to get stuck in and make Moodle 2 really work for me. Looking forward to a challenging fortnight, here goes...